
What's with the sheep?

If you look back over the posts for the last few months, you'll see that sheep are fairly present.

Here is a picture of the sheep on the side of the Pendle, where we scattered mom and dads ashes. They were near the bottom (see how steep it is?), just hanging out during the gale that was sweeping through.

So, today I get to mass and I'm in my slightly-hyper mood. I've found myself in this mood frequently. It feels like my soul is racing. Certainly my mind is. It's like I have to keep moving or thinking...problem-solving...doing. It feels like there is nothing between that and sitting in a room and crying for a week.

And what happens? Fr. Murphy talks about how hard it is to be still. How stressful the holidays are. How we get so busy shopping that we forget to spend time with people. How we spend our time racing, and don't spend time listening and being with friends. He suggested we pray a mantra this holiday: Be Still. And know that I am God. Then we sing:

Like a Shepherd he feels his flock and gathers the lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his heart, leading them home (Isaiah 40:9-11).

What do you suppose those sheep were doing on the Pendle?

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