
I'm floored! Xmas for our Kitchen

The saga of our kitchen continues! Some of you know the story of how and why we have two stoves (and no, we are not kosher!). Readers Digest version: we treated ourselves to new appliances several Xmas' ago and when they delivered the new refrigerator and stove, they were sans the stove. So my better half called and demanded a stove to tide us over the holiday (until the one we ordered could be delivered in January). Well...the upshot was that on December 22nd, the manager at Home Depot threw the floor model stove on the back of a truck, grabbed two guys from the back room and hauled it over and up 4 flights of stairs! Then, we called repeatedly in January, February...March for him to come and take it back...and he didn't! So we have two stoves. Merry Christmas!

This left the biggest unresolved issue: the kitchen floor. Three plus years of complaining to the building manager and demonstrating how you can see through the floor to the 3rd floor kitchen just never seemed to convince him that we might need a new floor.

Of course, we were a little conflicted, because the history of this kitchen floor is pretty cool. Fr. Daniel Berrigan, SJ once said mass in that kitchen, on that floor. And Caruso (the opera singer for those of you too young) once sang in the kitchen! Needless to say, I kept a little snippet of tile.

So! The new sub floor is down and Thursday morning they lay the new flooring. And so, we get closer to closing the book on another apartment saga.

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