
Laughter makes the world go 'round...

I don't know where I've been for Halloween in recent years...inside or in Philly, I guess.  All I know is that I became terribly confused when I got off the train Wednesday night.  At first I thought that there were a lot of scantily dressed women walking around Penn Station and perhaps there was some kind of odd conference going on (not necessarily a problem for me...just a distraction!).

Then I saw Superman down by the subway turnstile and it dawned on me...Halloween!  It's a shame when the women's costumes don't differ too much from what they wear everyday:  fishnet stockings, bustiers, short skirts.  On the other hand, I never felt safer at Penn Station!  All the superhero's were present, a cowboy...an Orthodox man (oh...maybe that wasn't a costume!).

The "A" train was wild!  Everyone was heading down to Greenwich Village for the big parade.  The West 4th St. stop was a mad house:  a drunken Santa Clause, a ladybug, a nun in fishnet stockings!  It's quite entertaining to ride the subways on Halloween night!


Diane said she loves TheAlmostNearlyReady and wants to think about broadening the distribution.  I'd love to use it in some way to introduce f-u-n back into our work!  My major concern is that there is always a danger of crossing the line and offending someone.  I'm especially worried that agencies would get wind of it and not find it funny (like when I poke fun at small and/or non-compliant agencies).

I explained to Diane that I had kept the distribution list limited to people I trust to use discretion (I think!), but had started to broaden a bit by sending select issues to certain folks.

So what do y'all think?  Can we do this for everyone?  Will they get it?  Could it backfire and make us look unprofessional?  Please take the poll and let's see what you think!  Or Blog back and tell me what you think should be off-limits!

Speaking of which - I never did this weeks Newsletter!  Chalk it up to my confusion around re-integration back into the work life.  It's not true that it's like riding a bike!  On Monday I called Jason Tres in because my Internet connection wasn't working (it wasn't plugged in!), they closed the street going to the office and I couldn't figure out how to get to work, and I completely forgot how to retrieve phone messages!


Sketch class tonight went well.  We all had to do a reading of our sketches:  folks laughed a lot during mine - yeah!  Some of them got very funky (the hardcore scoutmaster that had kids eating puppies...funny?), but there was one really great one - where the real estate lady comes over to the house she is selling (where the sellers still live) and brings her laundry, takes a shower, orders sushi....all in the name of knowing the property intimately!

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