
High Five

A couple of reflections....

My brother Allen called Sunday night.  He was getting the family ready to go and see a community theatre production of the Nutcracker (yeah...he wasn't so sure about it either!)  Al was in the kitchen, packing the dishwasher when the doorbell rang.  Janae went to get it and quickly returned to the kitchen to tell Al that there was a man at the door asking for him.  She told Allen that she'd never seen the man before.

Al went to the front door, where a man was standing out on the door step.  He didn't immediately recognize who it was.  In fact, the last time he'd seen him was 3 years ago.  It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and I had gone to Chicago to celebrate an early Turkey Day.  I'd talked Allen into having breakfast with my brother Paul Sunday, after church.

And that's who was now on his doorstep - 3 years later.  Paul.  He just wanted to wish Al a happy thanksgiving.  Nothing else.  Then he left.  To be perfectly honest with you, I was relieved that it happened.  The last contact I had with Paul was in February of 2006.  I haven't been sure if he was even alive.

Al and I figure Paul's probably been in prison.  The other couple of times he's disappeared he was in prison.  Al did ask where he was staying, but Paul wouldn't tell him.

The good news is that he's still alive.  I didn't think he'd make it this far.  I guess it's a little thanksgiving story.  Who knows if he'll try and contact me....


So my big question this week is:  will Mack ever stop high fiving me?  I saw him for the first time today since my very first day back.  He high fived me in the hall, and twice in the office.  Do you think if I wore a skirt and 3" pumps I could get him to stop?  I think he really doesn't know what to do with me :)  Come to think of it, the only time he didn't high five me, but actually gave me a hug was right after the banquet in Indianapolis.  I think he was suffering heat strokefrom having worn that helmet for two hours!  And i was wearing a dress!  Hmmmmmmm


Sketch class is going well.  Last week only 7 people came (out of 12).  Since their attendance policy is very strict, at least 3 of those folks are out of the class.  The other two have only missed one class. 

This week we have to write a commercial.  We have to create a product or take a current commercial and adapt it.  So I spent the weekend watching commercials.  When you're trying to be funny, nothing is funny.  It's amazing.  I feel like I'm always saying "you know what I wish we had..." but when it comes time to create something - nada.

Over lunch today I was telling Lesley about my children's literature course, and the demand for non-fiction children's stories.  Then we talked about my sketch assignment.  And then I thought about the 60-Minutes story on the Millennium Generation (1987-1995) and how they're so hooked into all the technology.

That's when it dawned on! I could create a commercial for a Business Management Course for 8-year olds!  The course would develop and build competencies in the areas of  multi-tasking, making decisions after only five meetings, meeting email quota's, and project planning the old fashioned way:  one day at a time.


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