
Emancipation of Moose & Moose

Mooseheart Foster Care


MooseHeart Foster Care was recently contacted by Susan Sandler, Foster Mom to Moose and Moose.  Apparently, Ms. Sandler has become bored and disenchanted with foster parenting.  She is now seeking to return Moose & Moose to their more ‘biological’ mom – Sandra M.


People speculate that the relationship between Ms. Sandler and Moose & Moose (M&M) began after they began to refer to Ms. Sandler as “not-the-momma”.  Her feelings hurt, Ms. Sandler quickly volunteered to work ridiculously long hours and find excuses to be out of the office.  In fact, weekly reports submitted to MooseHeart Foster Care by Ms. Sandler indicate, that of the 92 days M&M have been in her care, Ms. Sandler was out of the office “working” or on “a rather lot of vacation time” 78 days (quotes are from unnamed sources, or so says Beth-Rose).


Cubicle-mates of Ms. Sandler also noted that she appeared to get aggravated easily, “especially when Moose would kick little pieces of dust off the shelf on to her head….but I don’t know how you’d even notice dust in that hair of hers!”  When Ms. Sandler was asked if M&M were active, she reported that there was one day when she thought they might change places on the shelf…but they didn’t.


Upon interviewing M&M, this worker learned that they had actually been very active, assisting Becky Braughton with the narrative sections on the AIM on-line training, eating the dead leaves off the plants in the office, and taking Stu’s stacks and stacks and stacks of papers and re-organizing them (although not at his request).


In addition to Ms. Sandler not being around to provide the kind of guidance and cuddling M&M require, she did have several near-death experiences (the Moose – not hers), including Moose falling and landing head-first unto a pencil!  Ms. Sandler attributes Moose’s quiet demeanor to possible brain damage as a result of the fall.  Moose also fell and was nearly (quietly now, so he doesn’t hear) castrated, but he was all ok.  Ms. Sandler, in filing her report, expressed sadness, as she had hoped for a Castrato Moose with whom she could sing selections from Caruso’s  Rigolettto.


On a positive side, Moose’s exposure to Judaism has proven quite positive, and he recently requested the opportunity to convert (from paganism) and then have a big Moose-Mitzvah.  MooseHeart Foster Care feels positive about this development, although there is speculation that he may be a “Jew for Jesus” because he won’t let go of the Santa doll he carries around with him.


After careful assessment and minutes of ponderous thought, MooseHeart Foster Care has determined that M&M should be returned to “momma” SandraM  for a transitional period into Independent living.  SandraM spent a year doing such work in Dallas, so she is familiar with what it entails.


The  short-term goals would include making certain that M&M have an understanding of independent living skills, including getting internships and/or going to school.  Long-term, is that they become productive, contributing members of society, much like the Littles in the BBBS programs.

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