
This is a Favorite Day

The day before Thanksgiving is one of my most favoritist days of the year.  More than Thanksgiving itself, which is always full of disappointment that I'm not at the parade in person (I went one year, many years ago) :0(

But the day before...it's about tradition.  I am very into tradition.  That's why I love the monarchy...and the Catholic Church...and Easter service...and Nat King Cole...and great love stories...ok....maybe I'm a sentimentalist, too!  Anyway - on the day before Turkey Day, I have this ritual that I've held on to for the last 18 years, since Alberta and I first moved to Park Slope Brooklyn.

The thing to know about Park Slope is that it is very much a neighborhood. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Slope,_Brooklyn  Not at all big cityish.  (Beth M., am I getting on your nerves with my abuse of the language?) Like right now - I can hear someone raking leaves...and maybe chopping down a tree...?  The main shopping area (a block from our apartment) is Seventh Avenue, which runs 30 blocks or so (commercial).  Dad calls it the "village".  He likes to say "I popped down to the village for a coffee," which means he walked down to the diner a block a way and had a cup of coffee.  Below is a picture of my most favorite bagel store - and, hey!  Seattle may have the fish market, but you ain't seen nothing 'til you see how these guys handle 25 people ordering all at once - and never mess up the order!  Note:  the space for customers to stand is 10' x 8' and the space the bagel guys have is about 4' x 12'.  And the customer service - best in the world! 

But back to my story....The day before the big Turkey Day I love to run my errands to get ready.  First, I go to the Flower Store (which is just a bodega that sells flowers) and pick out something nice for the table (I do my own arrangements).  Then I go to the Wine Store (which is really a wine & liquor store).  Then I go to the Veggie Store (which is a fruit, vegetable and lots of great organic and ethnicfoods). 

That's it.  But do it without a car...on a day that's relatively quiet (kids are in school half a day)...stroll the ten blocks down the Avenue to the wine store...roam the veggie store and decide between snow peas and brussel sprouts (I did both, plus asparagus for Lynne and Alberta).  The flowers sticking out of my backpack, wine in one hand, veggies in the other.  Opps!  Look!  Sweet Melissa's has pies!  YIPEEEE!

Stroll into Sweet Melissa's (a true french patisserie including Afternoon Tea! ( http://www.sweetmelissapatisserie.com/ ) and have a latte and piece of CARAMEL BREAD PUDDING with fresh RASPBERRY SAUCE - let me die now!  Becca - I was thinking of you with every bite!  WAIT!  Don't leave!  What about that CHOCOLATE BOURBON PECAN PIE????!  I don't even like pecan pie - but chocolate pecan?  So I make Alberta buy a piece to taste (and to complement her hot apple cider) and YUM!  Sold!

Then it's home, strolling down the side streets and over to 8th Avenue.  Noon service of church is letting out, the Catholic School girls from the High School are hanging out, the building superintendent has finally put the trash cans away.

That, to me, my dear friends, is the best part of Thanksgiving.  That hour or so enjoying my neighborhood, loving my routine, celebrating the fact that I am blessed enough in my life to have both the opportunity and the ability to enjoy such a simple thing.

And this year, I am particularly thankful that I have such good people in my life that, above all else, make me laugh, make me think, make me want to better at what I do...and have the patience to tolerate me as I work towards all of that!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.  It's good to be back among you!



High Five

A couple of reflections....

My brother Allen called Sunday night.  He was getting the family ready to go and see a community theatre production of the Nutcracker (yeah...he wasn't so sure about it either!)  Al was in the kitchen, packing the dishwasher when the doorbell rang.  Janae went to get it and quickly returned to the kitchen to tell Al that there was a man at the door asking for him.  She told Allen that she'd never seen the man before.

Al went to the front door, where a man was standing out on the door step.  He didn't immediately recognize who it was.  In fact, the last time he'd seen him was 3 years ago.  It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and I had gone to Chicago to celebrate an early Turkey Day.  I'd talked Allen into having breakfast with my brother Paul Sunday, after church.

And that's who was now on his doorstep - 3 years later.  Paul.  He just wanted to wish Al a happy thanksgiving.  Nothing else.  Then he left.  To be perfectly honest with you, I was relieved that it happened.  The last contact I had with Paul was in February of 2006.  I haven't been sure if he was even alive.

Al and I figure Paul's probably been in prison.  The other couple of times he's disappeared he was in prison.  Al did ask where he was staying, but Paul wouldn't tell him.

The good news is that he's still alive.  I didn't think he'd make it this far.  I guess it's a little thanksgiving story.  Who knows if he'll try and contact me....


So my big question this week is:  will Mack ever stop high fiving me?  I saw him for the first time today since my very first day back.  He high fived me in the hall, and twice in the office.  Do you think if I wore a skirt and 3" pumps I could get him to stop?  I think he really doesn't know what to do with me :)  Come to think of it, the only time he didn't high five me, but actually gave me a hug was right after the banquet in Indianapolis.  I think he was suffering heat strokefrom having worn that helmet for two hours!  And i was wearing a dress!  Hmmmmmmm


Sketch class is going well.  Last week only 7 people came (out of 12).  Since their attendance policy is very strict, at least 3 of those folks are out of the class.  The other two have only missed one class. 

This week we have to write a commercial.  We have to create a product or take a current commercial and adapt it.  So I spent the weekend watching commercials.  When you're trying to be funny, nothing is funny.  It's amazing.  I feel like I'm always saying "you know what I wish we had..." but when it comes time to create something - nada.

Over lunch today I was telling Lesley about my children's literature course, and the demand for non-fiction children's stories.  Then we talked about my sketch assignment.  And then I thought about the 60-Minutes story on the Millennium Generation (1987-1995) and how they're so hooked into all the technology.

That's when it dawned on! I could create a commercial for a Business Management Course for 8-year olds!  The course would develop and build competencies in the areas of  multi-tasking, making decisions after only five meetings, meeting email quota's, and project planning the old fashioned way:  one day at a time.



Emancipation of Moose & Moose

Mooseheart Foster Care


MooseHeart Foster Care was recently contacted by Susan Sandler, Foster Mom to Moose and Moose.  Apparently, Ms. Sandler has become bored and disenchanted with foster parenting.  She is now seeking to return Moose & Moose to their more ‘biological’ mom – Sandra M.


People speculate that the relationship between Ms. Sandler and Moose & Moose (M&M) began after they began to refer to Ms. Sandler as “not-the-momma”.  Her feelings hurt, Ms. Sandler quickly volunteered to work ridiculously long hours and find excuses to be out of the office.  In fact, weekly reports submitted to MooseHeart Foster Care by Ms. Sandler indicate, that of the 92 days M&M have been in her care, Ms. Sandler was out of the office “working” or on “a rather lot of vacation time” 78 days (quotes are from unnamed sources, or so says Beth-Rose).


Cubicle-mates of Ms. Sandler also noted that she appeared to get aggravated easily, “especially when Moose would kick little pieces of dust off the shelf on to her head….but I don’t know how you’d even notice dust in that hair of hers!”  When Ms. Sandler was asked if M&M were active, she reported that there was one day when she thought they might change places on the shelf…but they didn’t.


Upon interviewing M&M, this worker learned that they had actually been very active, assisting Becky Braughton with the narrative sections on the AIM on-line training, eating the dead leaves off the plants in the office, and taking Stu’s stacks and stacks and stacks of papers and re-organizing them (although not at his request).


In addition to Ms. Sandler not being around to provide the kind of guidance and cuddling M&M require, she did have several near-death experiences (the Moose – not hers), including Moose falling and landing head-first unto a pencil!  Ms. Sandler attributes Moose’s quiet demeanor to possible brain damage as a result of the fall.  Moose also fell and was nearly (quietly now, so he doesn’t hear) castrated, but he was all ok.  Ms. Sandler, in filing her report, expressed sadness, as she had hoped for a Castrato Moose with whom she could sing selections from Caruso’s  Rigolettto.


On a positive side, Moose’s exposure to Judaism has proven quite positive, and he recently requested the opportunity to convert (from paganism) and then have a big Moose-Mitzvah.  MooseHeart Foster Care feels positive about this development, although there is speculation that he may be a “Jew for Jesus” because he won’t let go of the Santa doll he carries around with him.


After careful assessment and minutes of ponderous thought, MooseHeart Foster Care has determined that M&M should be returned to “momma” SandraM  for a transitional period into Independent living.  SandraM spent a year doing such work in Dallas, so she is familiar with what it entails.


The  short-term goals would include making certain that M&M have an understanding of independent living skills, including getting internships and/or going to school.  Long-term, is that they become productive, contributing members of society, much like the Littles in the BBBS programs.

Emancipation of Moose & Moose

Mooseheart Foster Care


MooseHeart Foster Care was recently contacted by Susan Sandler, Foster Mom to Moose and Moose.  Apparently, Ms. Sandler has become bored and disenchanted with foster parenting.  She is now seeking to return Moose & Moose to their more ‘biological’ mom – Sandra M.


People speculate that the relationship between Ms. Sandler and Moose & Moose (M&M) began after they began to refer to Ms. Sandler as “not-the-momma”.  Her feelings hurt, Ms. Sandler quickly volunteered to work ridiculously long hours and find excuses to be out of the office.  In fact, weekly reports submitted to MooseHeart Foster Care by Ms. Sandler indicate, that of the 92 days M&M have been in her care, Ms. Sandler was out of the office “working” or on “a rather lot of vacation time” 78 days (quotes are from unnamed sources, or so says Beth-Rose).


Cubicle-mates of Ms. Sandler also noted that she appeared to get aggravated easily, “especially when Moose would kick little pieces of dust off the shelf on to her head….but I don’t know how you’d even notice dust in that hair of hers!”  When Ms. Sandler was asked if M&M were active, she reported that there was one day when she thought they might change places on the shelf…but they didn’t.


Upon interviewing M&M, this worker learned that they had actually been very active, assisting Becky Braughton with the narrative sections on the AIM on-line training, eating the dead leaves off the plants in the office, and taking Stu’s stacks and stacks and stacks of papers and re-organizing them (although not at his request).


In addition to Ms. Sandler not being around to provide the kind of guidance and cuddling M&M require, she did have several near-death experiences (the Moose – not hers), including Moose falling and landing head-first unto a pencil!  Ms. Sandler attributes Moose’s quiet demeanor to possible brain damage as a result of the fall.  Moose also fell and was nearly (quietly now, so he doesn’t hear) castrated, but he was all ok.  Ms. Sandler, in filing her report, expressed sadness, as she had hoped for a Castrato Moose with whom she could sing selections from Caruso’s  Rigolettto.


On a positive side, Moose’s exposure to Judaism has proven quite positive, and he recently requested the opportunity to convert (from paganism) and then have a big Moose-Mitzvah.  MooseHeart Foster Care feels positive about this development, although there is speculation that he may be a “Jew for Jesus” because he won’t let go of the Santa doll he carries around with him.


After careful assessment and minutes of ponderous thought, MooseHeart Foster Care has determined that M&M should be returned to “momma” SandraM  for a transitional period into Independent living.  SandraM spent a year doing such work in Dallas, so she is familiar with what it entails.


The  short-term goals would include making certain that M&M have an understanding of independent living skills, including getting internships and/or going to school.  Long-term, is that they become productive, contributing members of society, much like the Littles in the BBBS programs.


Laughter makes the world go 'round...

I don't know where I've been for Halloween in recent years...inside or in Philly, I guess.  All I know is that I became terribly confused when I got off the train Wednesday night.  At first I thought that there were a lot of scantily dressed women walking around Penn Station and perhaps there was some kind of odd conference going on (not necessarily a problem for me...just a distraction!).

Then I saw Superman down by the subway turnstile and it dawned on me...Halloween!  It's a shame when the women's costumes don't differ too much from what they wear everyday:  fishnet stockings, bustiers, short skirts.  On the other hand, I never felt safer at Penn Station!  All the superhero's were present, a cowboy...an Orthodox man (oh...maybe that wasn't a costume!).

The "A" train was wild!  Everyone was heading down to Greenwich Village for the big parade.  The West 4th St. stop was a mad house:  a drunken Santa Clause, a ladybug, a nun in fishnet stockings!  It's quite entertaining to ride the subways on Halloween night!


Diane said she loves TheAlmostNearlyReady and wants to think about broadening the distribution.  I'd love to use it in some way to introduce f-u-n back into our work!  My major concern is that there is always a danger of crossing the line and offending someone.  I'm especially worried that agencies would get wind of it and not find it funny (like when I poke fun at small and/or non-compliant agencies).

I explained to Diane that I had kept the distribution list limited to people I trust to use discretion (I think!), but had started to broaden a bit by sending select issues to certain folks.

So what do y'all think?  Can we do this for everyone?  Will they get it?  Could it backfire and make us look unprofessional?  Please take the poll and let's see what you think!  Or Blog back and tell me what you think should be off-limits!

Speaking of which - I never did this weeks Newsletter!  Chalk it up to my confusion around re-integration back into the work life.  It's not true that it's like riding a bike!  On Monday I called Jason Tres in because my Internet connection wasn't working (it wasn't plugged in!), they closed the street going to the office and I couldn't figure out how to get to work, and I completely forgot how to retrieve phone messages!


Sketch class tonight went well.  We all had to do a reading of our sketches:  folks laughed a lot during mine - yeah!  Some of them got very funky (the hardcore scoutmaster that had kids eating puppies...funny?), but there was one really great one - where the real estate lady comes over to the house she is selling (where the sellers still live) and brings her laundry, takes a shower, orders sushi....all in the name of knowing the property intimately!

Laughter makes the world go 'round...

I don't know where I've been for Halloween in recent years...inside or in Philly, I guess.  All I know is that I became terribly confused when I got off the train Wednesday night.  At first I thought that there were a lot of scantily dressed women walking around Penn Station and perhaps there was some kind of odd conference going on (not necessarily a problem for me...just a distraction!).

Then I saw Superman down by the subway turnstile and it dawned on me...Halloween!  It's a shame when the women's costumes don't differ too much from what they wear everyday:  fishnet stockings, bustiers, short skirts.  On the other hand, I never felt safer at Penn Station!  All the superhero's were present, a cowboy...an Orthodox man (oh...maybe that wasn't a costume!).

The "A" train was wild!  Everyone was heading down to Greenwich Village for the big parade.  The West 4th St. stop was a mad house:  a drunken Santa Clause, a ladybug, a nun in fishnet stockings!  It's quite entertaining to ride the subways on Halloween night!


Diane said she loves TheAlmostNearlyReady and wants to think about broadening the distribution.  I'd love to use it in some way to introduce f-u-n back into our work!  My major concern is that there is always a danger of crossing the line and offending someone.  I'm especially worried that agencies would get wind of it and not find it funny (like when I poke fun at small and/or non-compliant agencies).

I explained to Diane that I had kept the distribution list limited to people I trust to use discretion (I think!), but had started to broaden a bit by sending select issues to certain folks.

So what do y'all think?  Can we do this for everyone?  Will they get it?  Could it backfire and make us look unprofessional?  Please take the poll and let's see what you think!  Or Blog back and tell me what you think should be off-limits!

Speaking of which - I never did this weeks Newsletter!  Chalk it up to my confusion around re-integration back into the work life.  It's not true that it's like riding a bike!  On Monday I called Jason Tres in because my Internet connection wasn't working (it wasn't plugged in!), they closed the street going to the office and I couldn't figure out how to get to work, and I completely forgot how to retrieve phone messages!


Sketch class tonight went well.  We all had to do a reading of our sketches:  folks laughed a lot during mine - yeah!  Some of them got very funky (the hardcore scoutmaster that had kids eating puppies...funny?), but there was one really great one - where the real estate lady comes over to the house she is selling (where the sellers still live) and brings her laundry, takes a shower, orders sushi....all in the name of knowing the property intimately!