
Catching Up Post-Key West

I'm back in the saddle again...la da da di da, da-da....So!  Did the number of emails everyone get last week go down 12.7%?  I figured with Beth, Tisha and Becca away... :-)

I have some follow-up news.  ML, from Dallas, the person I'd lost touch with for way too many years...she emailed me and we have re-connected - YEA!  I'm figuring it's been at least 12 years, because her oldest daughter is hoping to get into Brown University next fall!  So...I have one more on the list to try to re-connect with....

KEY WEST...what can I say?  Hot.  And another serious disappointment when it came to seeing wildlife.  In Arizona, which included a side trip to the Grand Canyon and 2 days in Prescott, I saw the following animals:  javelina, birds, bunny, hummingbird, sheep, rooster, cows, deer, gecko, small dragon.  I did not see a coyote or road runner (as Becca promised!)

In Key West I saw: birds, roosters (lots of them!), gecko, flying fish and swimming fish.  I did not see the iguana (as Becca promised!).  See a theme?  Becca's got to stop promising me wildlife at these places!

Today I spent the morning going through my memory box: a 10" x 18" Winnie the Pooh box that I keep cards and letters, some pictures, magazines, etc. in.  It actually started as a clean-out-your-closet project and I got sidetracked!  In my memory box I found lots of letters from my brother Paul (who has now remained at-large for 18 months), a few from mom (tears), my journal from my child psychotherapy days (I used it in supervision and to analyze my counter-transference issues), and two things that made me smile.

One was a mix tape that ML had made me to listen to when I moved from Dallas to NYC.  It was a 3-day drive, my car full of clothes, books and 10:10, the philodendron she had given me my first X-Mas in Dallas.  We called the plant 10:10 because that's when ML and I had our debriefs from the day.  We'd sit in her room, listening to music and chat about the girls in our casa, the kids around campus, and her crush on David (whom she married!).  10:10 sits in my home office now - about 5 ft. from where I am now.  10:10 will be 13 years old this X-Mas!  But I digress.  I've been enjoying the tape this afternoon:  Journey, Bruce Springstein, Kenny Loggins, Rush, Bread...it's a great mix!

The second thing I found in my memory box was something that I had been thinking about while in Key West.  Right before I left for college (in fact, the date on the bottom is 8/18/80), I found a little poem (anonymous) that stuck with me so strongly, I can still recite it from memory.  It's a poem that pops into my head every now and again, mostly when I'm tired and trying to figure out "what's it all about...Alfie..."  How funny to return home and find it! 


I lie awake at night and wonder,

When I am gone, will anyone cry?  Will anyone care?

Will I, during my cast life, though I have lived through a countless multitude of dreams, thoughts, ideas,

Have left behind one, single moment that is remembered, noticed, cherished?

Or will it all mean nothing and fade.  I wonder.

HEY!  HEY!  I'll be in the office on Thursday!  I have a meeting from 10-noon, then I meet with Diane in the afternoon.  I'll probably get there before 10:00am, so be prepared for me to poke my head into your office!  Hope to see some of you then!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll be at Regional Conference this week so I won't catch you on Thursday.  The Meese miss you... and me... I've been traveling so much at Regional Conference that I haven't spent much time with them.

I want to suggest that while you're at National, have a good conversation with Jen.  She probably has a lot of insights that may be valuable to you.

If you decide to come back and report to Mack, another person who will have good insights is Kay Keenan.  She has an incredible way of asserting her point of view so that she is heard.  Both she and Di are great at saying no and telling what's true.  I admire them both so much.