
Fate or Faith (aka: Waiting for the Rainbow Ponies to Rescue Me)

I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Primarily because fate always intervened.  That is, until now.  Now I just don't know.  And go figure - fate is nowhere to be found.

This desire to do something profound...to make a "real" difference in the world is fine.  I've lived with it all my life.  I'm realizing that this is not the problem.  The problem is that I'm sitting around waiting it to magically happen.

Note two keys words in that last sentence:  "waiting" and "magically".  That alone should tell me what the problem is!

I'm reading "Heed Your Call:  Integrating Myth, Science, Spirituality, and Business" by David Howitt.  In it, Howitt talks about a lot of amazing concepts that can help you rethink how one can own their life and, most important to me, how one can stop waiting and start making things happen in their life.

He talks about 'trust' and 'surrender' as key ingredients in transforming ourselves, that "when applied with action, create success."  You mean it really doesn't happen magically?  I just can't sit and read books with great concepts and VOILA!  my life will come together in one neat, meaningful package?!  You mean I can create my own "profound gifts" without waiting?  Seriously?

Ah...but wait...there's a catch, right?  Yep.

Howitt writes a lot about "living in the moment," "trust and surrender," "allowing the cosmos to work out the details," "co-create the universe," "manifestation of endless possibilities"....

Now we're getting a little "Rainbow Ponies" on me (sorry Hasbro!).  I like my life with an order of 'practical' and a side order of 'realistic' topped by a spoonful of 'doable' - thank you very much.  Trusting...surrendering...living in the moment...not my comfort zone.

Perhaps I have to set Fate aside and give Faith a chance.  After all, isn't Faith about trust and surrender?  Maybe it's time to quit handing over the reigns to Fate and waiting.  It may be time to drive the team of Rainbow Ponies myself.  Time to take action. ACTION!

Giddy-up Rainbow Ponies!  Let's go "co-create the universe"!  And aw-w-w-w-ay we go!


Listen to David Howitt's TEDTalk

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