
Installing Updates...


My machine's a bit old.  And the RAM ain't what it used to be (wink, wink).

But while things are installing, I've taken some time to read the manual.  Interesting.

Not as boring as one might have anticipated.

Here's what I'm learning:

  • Live in the moment.
  • Allow the cosmos to take care of the details.
  • Trust and surrender.
WHAT!  Are you kidding me!!  I can't do that!  

No way.  Nope.  My original manual says something entirely different:
  1. Control everything you can leading up to, in, and after every moment.
  2. Prepare Plan B and Plan C because, if you don't, no one will.
  3. Trust no one to do it as well as yourself.
  4. Repeat Step 1.
You're going to tell me that this new system is going to replace the old, which, by the way, with the exception of side effects, was doing just fine.  What side effects?  Small ones, like
  • Insomnia
  • Agita and weight gain
  • Aggravation and disappointment
  • Obsessiveness
  • Inability to relax
Well....Now that I look at the list....But, NO!  There is no way that after all this time I am going to give up control!  It's not in my nature.  It's inherent.  It's who I am.  It's...exhausting and wearing my system down.

So you think that this system update will magically fix all of this?  Sounds like Rainbow Pony crap to me.  Hmmmmm....

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