
What did she say about Moose?

How could any of us forget it? The moment when Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin talked about hunting moose? Then she started carrying around green-friendly shopping bags with "Real Women Hunt Moose" printed on them. The moose population was in an uproar! How dare she project her political rage and revenge on the moose population? She didn't need moose meat to survive? This was hunting for fun and where would it stop?

The moose in my house were personally enraged and fearful! What would this mean to the future of their kind? How could it be, in the U.S. of A. that a public official, and one who may enter one of the highest positions in our government, be allowed to threaten the lives of another species? What did this say about her respect for life, in general, or for other species...or races...or religions? When would the madness stop?!

Moose saw that the venom this Palin woman was spewing and knew it had to end. Given the history of the Republican party and their ignorance of a just war theory, then Moose would only become the first species to be destroyed! It only made sense. The republican party's history of picking on those larger than them is renowed! A full grown moose can weigh up to 1,800 pounds and stand 7 feet tall at the shoulder, making it one of the northern hemispheres largest land dwelling mammals.

The next thing you know, Palin would be advocating unjust wars on Canada to hunt their moose, or reengaging the Algonquin Indians in war, the people who first called this strange looking creature 'mooswa,' meaning "twig-eater" or "the animal that strips bark off of trees." Then Palin would be off to invade Russia for their Moose or Asia to hunt their Elk! It would probably be done under the guise of 'economic expansionism.

We've heard it all before. It's not the first time. But, if moose had anything to do with it, the buck...er...action stopped here!

Moose had to do something. So he gathered his friends, Kitty, Bunny, Sheep and Cow and researched and planned.

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