
Moose's Foster Care

From Sue Sandler, August 15, 2007:

By the way, Moose (no, not Moose, but Moose) has started biting her toenails.  She fell over from the waist suddenly and began digesting her digits.  Moose (the other Moose) is sitting there cool and collected… oblivious to his sister’s issues.  Just like a man!  I may get some of that foul tasting stuff for nail biters or maybe Saturday I’ll take her for a pedicure.  Also, she’s a little hot in her Christmas sweater.  Maybe I’ll take her to Anthropologie and get her a little sundress.  As for Moose (the other Moose), I want to take him to a Bar Mitzvah, but he’s gonna have to lose the Santa hat. Will he lose his cultural identity??????  Besides, how do you get a yarmulke over a pair of antlers pray tell?  Ah! The dilemmas of foster parenting.  I’m just trying to take one day at a time.

Sandy's Response, August 19, 2007

After careful consultation with Rabbi Moose, of the Northwoods Synagogue here in New York, it was determined that (1) yes - moose can wear yarmulke and tallit (prayershawl), (2) the experience of going to either a Bar or Bat Mitzvah will only enhance Moose's life experience and (3) Moose should be granted the opportunity to find his own faith.

Sylvia's Response to Sue's Concerns, August 14, 2007

As the responsible party who placed one or more moose with you, I think I have legitimate standing in an appropriate court of law to contest their foster placement.  I must be assured that the “best interests” of the moose (or is it “mousse”) are being properly protected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy! I'm kvelling (bragging), bubelehs!  Well, to prepare Moose for the Bar Mitzvah experience, I took him to a deli for bagels and nova and a little smoked fish.  Sure enough, he found the experience spiritually uplifting and is ready to trade in his Santa hat temporarily for the whole Jewish regalia.  The way to a Moose's heart is definitely through the stomach.

Now, as for Moose (the other Moose), she was biting her toenails something fierce and fell over on my desk onto a pencil.  The pencil didn't do much damage, but she seemed kinda dazed from the experience and is talking less than usual (and usually she didn't talk at all). Wait... I have a call from Julie Novak on the other line...