I'm a pretty faithful-appearing person on the outside. I wear the trappings of my Faith pretty well.
In my pocket, I carry around a little wooden rosary, blessed by the Holy Father himself! I rub it and tangle it up in my fingers whenever I'm standing and waiting, or sitting in a meeting listening, or just thinking. I have no idea how it works - no one ever taught me. I suppose I could find a YouTube video. For now, it's kinda like a rabbits foot. I'm not sure it's working real well....
I have a beautiful print of the church where I was confirmed and received first communion. It's right above my desk at work, where I could, if I were so inclined, gaze upon it and remind myself of my Faith. I tend to do that only when I'm exhausted and defeated and wondering what life is all about....
I volunteer at church. Or did. The minute my commitment ended I begged off, with mutterings of being tired and needing a break. All the while promising to help with this and with that other thing. I love saying I do stuff at the church. Now to make the time to do it....
And I do pray. When I'm feeling worn down, lost, seeking direction. Occasionally I'll do my best St. Francis impression and actually thank God for a beautiful day or the fresh air or the time to walk and sing tunes in my head.. Occasionally....
I guess I'm just an every day kinda person when it comes to Faith. I play at it well. I go through lots of the motions. But inside...?
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