

My glasses arrived this week: titanium! I feel like I should have Super Powers wearing them! While waiting to get my glasses fitted, I observed a young man of 12 or 13 ordering frames with his mom. He was the poster child for adolescent angst: The unwashed hair, pimply face, mumbled response to anyone who spoke to him. Couple all of that with the classic 'go-to-hell' stare and it made for fascinating people watching.

As we sat side-by-side, the saleswoman asked my turmultuous teen if he wanted "transitions" lenses. He responded with a death stare directed towards his mother, then shrugged and looked down. I found myself saying "no" in my head. "Don't go for the transitions! They're full of feelings and will only add to your angst!"

This has been a period in my life in which 'transitions' have taken precedence on so many levels: work, friendships, time. While transitions can be positive in the long run, they do take some work to adjust to. They involve all sorts of changes and often make ones view of the world different.

Transitions can bring reality into focus. They expose life around you with a clarity that may have gotten blurred with the day-to-day pace of living. Anytime you have to look at reality in the face, it's a tad unnerving!

Transitions often bring beginnings, which means some separations have to occur. Ugh. It means pulling up anchor and sailing on without complete certainty that one even knows where they're going.
Transitions lead to feelings one wishes they could avoid, yet feels like such a blessing when they're standing in front of you, embracing you, making you feel human. ...My glasses fit perfectly and are as light as a feather. Oh...and the "Transitions" lenses work like a charm!

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