
Maudy Thursday

Tonight is like a culmination of many significant symbols: Passover, the Last Supper, the day my mom died 19 years ago...an almost full moon.

There is a great prayer-fullness present. I have sorrow in my heart and mourn for what will be and what has been. For the failure to see Love when in its' presence. For the inability to understand that it is in the smallest acts and simplest deeds that love is so present.

I do not grieve...for I know what awaits. I long for the light of Easter. For clarity of purpose, for faith to give without want or need of reward. It is the passover and we celebrate Gods love for us: His giving out of Himself.

The Great Silence begins. Time to reflect on our lives. Can we live our lives in such profound Faith? To give up our friends, our future, our lives...for a greater good? Is that what is expected of us?

Or are all we asked is to be the best of who we are? To lead with love. To not fight evil and betrayal with angry thoughts and words. But to wash the feet of all those who walk with us; even if they should not love us back.

1 comment:

raphaelleae said...

thankyou for sharing your deep thoughts it was inspiring to read you.
love and light