
Watching Your Feet

Have you ever watched children when they first learn to walk? They watch their feet. I suppose it's part of being amazed that they can be used for something more than kicking. But I wonder if it's also part of being cautious. If you watch your feet while you walk, you tend to walk more slowly and intentionally. Most of us look down when we're walking down stairs. But we don't look down when we walk around in life. Why? Are we not worried about falling?

When children start walking they begin slowly...watching their feet.

Then they gain momentum and begin moving faster and faster... they look up, begin giggling with enthusiasm and then...crash!

Up again...watch the feet...slowly...a little faster...faster...giggle...look up...laugh...engage everyone around them with eye contact...crash!

I think there's a lesson here. I think we were meant to walk slowly...and watch our feet. But we're human and we love to move fast and laugh and experience the thrill...and the crash.

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