
When Your Hamster Dies

My nephew had a rough week this week. Little boys his age (six) feel things so intensely and passionately... and that includes death.

Real young children deal with death with all the purity and innocence of their youth. They accept it for what it is. They don't over think it or over feel it. That comes with age...and school...and life.

Last weekend, my niece's hamster died. Lucky for her (I guess), it was her birthday this week, so getting a replacement was an easy win for my brother and his wife. My nephew dealt with the loss very pragmatically: he worked on the problem of how you dispose of a hamster in February in Chicago when the ground is frozen. We won't digress and get into the details of his proposed burial solutions. I think they involved trap doors, hidden rooms and the Temple of Doom!

No, this tale focuses on the arrival of a new pet. A replacement rodent was purchased by my niece and lived nicely with the family for about a day. Then they thought the pet was ill, took it to the vet, learned that the pet was fine but - OMG! - it was a boy!

Now here's the tipping point for my nephew. They returned the boy pet and replaced it with a girl! AYE! Ever hear of castration anxiety? Well...it exists...and my poor nephew suffered it. A boy returned and exchanged for a girl! Bless his heart. A little boys worst fear realized!

Thank goodness he has such an awesome dad who makes him feel safe and loved. And to heck with all those girls!

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